Use Delegations

Recently I received a link to an opinionated blog post about how to observe the law of demeter in Rails. It strongly suggests using delegations in Rails models, and here is the TL;DR of how you do it. This has also been added to the rails guidelines post.

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  # law of demeter conserving delegations
  delegate :id, :name to: :case, allow_nil: true, prefix: "buddy" #=> .buddy_id
  delegate :gifts, to: :friend, prefix: false #=> .gifts

These two delegation lines add three methods to User instances

@user.buddy_id # calls, returns nil if no associated case is found
@user.buddy_name # calls, returns nil if no associated case is found # calls, throws an error if no associated friend

As a rule of thumb, you want to define delegations for these scenarios:


mini profiler

Written on November 30, 2015