Follow Model Best Practices
Say you want to keep your model definitions clean and consistent.
Do this:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
# use this class method in strong parameters
# params.require!(:user).permit(User.params)
def self.params
%i|email origin_email name surname|
# constants
COLORS = %w(red green blue)
# afterwards we put attr related macros
attr_accessor :formatted_date_of_birth
# Do not use attr_accessible anymore, migrate to strong parameters
# attr_accessible :login, :first_name, :last_name, :email, :password
# enums
enum gender: { female: 0, male: 1 }
# followed by association macros
belongs_to :club, class_name: GemNamespace::ModelName, foreign_key: 'gem_namespace_model_name_id' # the docs say required: true should work, but it throws an error, use a simple validation on association (not just _id) instead
# validates :club, :gem_namespace_model_name_id, presence: true # put this in validations!
has_many :toys, dependent: :destroy, class_name: "ToyCar", foreign_key: "child_id"
# and add law of demeter conserving delegations
delegate :id, :name to: :case, allow_nil: true, prefix: "buddy" #=> .buddy_id
delegate :gifts, to: :friend, prefix: false #=> .gifts
# alias attributes (even associations) to more convenient names
alias_attribute :car, :vehicle
alias_attribute :consultant, :admin_user
# and validation macros
validates :password, format: { with: /\A\S{8,128}\z/, allow_nil: true, message: :weak_password }
validate :dat_custom_validation
# next we have callbacks
before_save :cook
before_save :update_username_lower
# other macros
# ..
# ..
# finish up with named scopes
scope :adult, -> { where("age > ?", 17) }
scope :named, ->(first_name) { where(name: first_name) }
# add methods below
def self.class_method
def instance_method
More at Rails style guide
EDIT: (2016-04-22) Moved delegation and aliasing blocks higher, above validations
Written on October 17, 2015